Lane Pool Reserve is a beautiful little wooded park, with a river, trails and camps. It's 115 km from Perth and the perfect place to come for a huge dose of nature and relaxation.

Back in September 2018, my partner Louis and I decided to take a day trip somewhere. All I knew was I wanted to be somewhere that was beautiful and fresh and had lovely views and trails to walk along. I think I had this place in mind after seeing a post from a lady I follow on Facebook- Lauren, from Aus Camping Adventures, and I had been meaning to take a trip there and see it for myself.
It was so so worth it.
The time was somewhere between 11am and 1pm, and it was Spring, so the air was a little fresh but becoming warm. The air was so heavy with the smells from the native plants and the flowers were in high bloom. I saw many plants I had never seen before.
There was water running parallel to the trail the entire way, after about 30 minutes of walking we finally came to "the best part" I had been promised, the pool! The trail was dotted with people walking at their own pace, family groups, couples, individuals. It was so nice to stumble upon this scene, an entire group of people, some of which knew each other, most didn't. There were dogs running around, people stripping out of their hiking boots and pants, and sliding clumsily into the icy water. I had my feet dipped in and it was so refreshing. Everybody had such big smiles on their faces! Laughing together as the swimmers shrieked at the cold. It was really a magical moment sitting on the rocks by this communal natural pool with a group of strangers, all bound by the feeling of soft spring breeze and strong vibrant sun. The cherry on the cake was seeing two horses on the trail.
Find more information on Lane Pool Reserve here
All photos taken on my Olympus Om 101 Power focus